17 Jul To a life well lived, in dedication to human rights and peace in Zimbabwe
The Board and Staff of the Zimbabwe Peace Project (ZPP) express their deepest condolences on the passing on of one of the founding Board members of the organization, Mr Tarcisius Zimbiti, a man who dedicated his life to advocate for the recognition of human rights and the attainment of sustainable peace in Zimbabwe.
Mr Zimbiti served on the Board of the ZPP, representing the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace in Zimbabwe (CCJPZ), and it was, as a Board member that he exhibited his commitment towards human rights in Zimbabwe.
ZPP is humbled that in those early years he recognized the importance of the work of the institution.During the time he was Board member, Zimbabwe was beginning to experience escalated cases of human rights abuses targeting citizens, and human rights defenders, and that did not deter him.Instead, he stood out, speaking out against human rights violations, and was part of the individuals who steered the work of ZPP in monitoring human rights violations in Zimbabwe.
He recognized the importance of documenting violations as an advocacy tool for peace, reconciliation and good governance.On the other front, Mr Zimbiti worked for many years in the CCJPZ National Office of the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference since 1990 and at one point he was the Acting National Director. He retired in 2017.ZPP is saddened by the loss of such a dedicated human rights defender, who, in his life, always worked for, and dreamed of a Zimbabwe where democracy and good governance prevail.We celebrate his work, and may his soul rest in peace, and his legacy will always be cherished.Here is to a live well lived in dedication to human rights and peace in Zimbabwe.Go well, Mr Zimbiti.
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